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CVC words are words that follow the consonant-vowel-consonant pattern, such as “cat”, “dog”, “pig”, “rat”, and “sun”. These words are often used to teach children early reading skills such as the basic sounds of letters and the structure of simple words. These are perfect for special education classrooms and English language learners. All the images below are part of the CVC bundle, you can find that here.

An interactive book, puzzle and task card

Interactive Books

Interactive books are an excellent tool for early readers because they provide a fun and engaging way to learn to read. They include movable parts that can help to hold a child’s attention and keep them engaged while they are learning. My students love using interactive books and often request them during their free time. If you are new to interactive books, check out my free interactive colour book! You can also check out various interactive books in my store!

Read it, Build it, Write it activity

Target two skills: early reading and writing

“Read it, Build it, Write it” is a teaching strategy that can be used to help children learn to read and write. The “Read it, Build it, Write it” strategy emphasizes the multi-sensory approach to learning; it combines visual, kinesthetic and auditory ways of learning. This is an ideal way to differentiate your student’s learning. I love to use them during our morning bin work. These activities are part of the CVC bundle; you can grab them here!

three papers - cut and past short u. find all the cvc images - short u and write the room- short u

Get Moving!

“Write the Room” is a teaching strategy that involves setting up a classroom with words or phrases displayed around the room and having children walk around to find and write the words they find. We love these activities because it integrates movement and academics. Check out our store for various write-the-room activities. You can download a free write-the-room resource in the free resource library!

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What are your favourite ways to teach early reading skills? I would love to hear from you! Email me at [email protected]. Don’t forget to join our free resource library!

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